Getting Tough on Rural Crime

Keeping our promises: Getting Tough on Rural Crime

The first duty of government is to protect public safety. 

Under the NDP, we saw a rural crime crisis spread across the province. Too many Albertans felt vulnerable and defenseless on their own properties.

We heard loud and clear from rural Albertans before the last election and we put forward bold proposals in our platform

After being elected, we took action away.

Our United Conservative government and MLAs went to communities across the province to hear directly from Albertans about the impact rural crime was having in their communities.

In the Fall of 2019, we outlined our plan to keep rural Albertans safe.

It included bold new initiatives, like more policing, strengthening property rights, and new tools for victims. 

And when anti-farming militants started targeting Alberta’s farm families, our United Conservative government took action. 

We increased penalties for trespassing on agricultural land to up to $10,000 for a first offence and $25,000 for a second offence. And we announced a dedicated Crown prosecutor for agricultural offences.

We’re standing up for rural Alberta. Just as we promised.

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