The Choice in Education Act

Keeping Our Promises: Protecting Choice in Education

Unlike the NDP, United Conservatives believe that parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. 

While they were in power, the NDP targeted independent schools and charter schools, while NDP front groups demanded an end to school choice entirely.

That’s why we promised during the election to maintain Alberta’s excellent tradition of choice in education and beef up protections.

It’s why we started province-wide consultations for the new Choice in Education Act to protect, improve, and enhance education choice in Alberta.

With direct feedback from Albertans, we introduced the new Choice in Education Act that builds on Alberta’s proud history of school choice. 

The bill affirms the primacy of parental choice in education and expands school options for parents.

It’s just another example of a promise made and a promise kept. 

If you stand with us, sign your name here!

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