More Bills Passed to Strengthen Alberta Democracy | Referendums and Senate Elections

Albertans elected us with a strong mandate to strengthen our democracy. 


With Bill 26 and Bill 27 passed, serious progress has been made!


Bill 26 puts more power in the hands of Albertans through the power of referendums. Before the bill passed, referendums could only be held on matters related to the Canadian constitution. Now, Albertans can have their say on more issues, like on recommendations from the Fair Deal Panel Report. 


The NDP called the legislation “anti-democratic” and a “power grab”. We call it a win for Albertans.


Bill 27 builds on The Alberta Senate Election Act that restored senate elections in Alberta. It allows senate elections to be held during municipal elections, provincial elections, or at any other date.


And we’re not done. Jason Kenney has promised more to strengthen democracy in the Fall with new legislation on citizen-initiated referendums.


Promise made. Promise kept.

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