GOOD NEWS | New legislation passed to get tough on theft and crime

The number one job for any government is to protect public safety.   United Conservatives made big promises in the last election to get tough on theft and address an increase in crime, especially in rural Alberta.   With the passing of Bill 21 and Bill 25 in the legislature, more progress has been by […]

Bill 22 Passed | More Action Taken on Reducing Red Tape

This past week, United Conservatives passed Bill 22, the Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act.    It’s another promise made, promise kept from Jason Kenney and UCP MLAs who are working at a breakneck pace in the legislature to get our economy back on track.    During the election, we promised to reduce red tape in […]

Tackling Addictions | 400 Beds and New Recovery Communities

With a 30 per cent increase in the number of beds, our United Conservative government is keeping an election promise to focus not just on treatment, but changing lives with new recovery communities. These recovery communities will lead to 400 new beds and provide a holistic approach with the goal for a patient to come […]

Promise Kept | Choice in Education Act Passed

After promising in the last election that Alberta’s strong history of school choice would be strengthened and protected, the Choice in Education Act officially passed in the legislature.   It’s another promise made and a promise kept by Jason Kenney and United Conservaitve MLAs.   The fact is, when the NDP were in power, they […]

Keystone XL | Shovels In the Ground In Alberta

Today, Jason Kenney kicked off construction of the Alberta leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, a project more than 12 years in the making.    What does that mean for Albertans?   2,000 new jobs for construction workers.   269 km of new pipeline.   It’s estimated that the pipeline will generate $30 billion in […]

50,000 jobs | Our historic infrastructure build

Albertans voted United Conservatives with a historic mandate to be laser focused on jobs and the economy.    With the unprecedented health and economic crisis, our United Conservative government has stepped up in a big way.   The Alberta Recovery Plan released by Jason Kenney included a historic $10 billion infrastructure plan for our province. […]

Alberta’s Recovery Plan | Job Creation Tax Cut Accelerated

Alberta’s Economic Recovery Plan includes major progress on a big campaign commitment made by United Conservatives in the last election. Under the NDP, taxes on job creators went up 20 per cent.  We promised to reverse the trend in a big way to invite investment back to Alberta. The promise was to drop the tax […]

Alberta’s Recovery Plan | Spurring Tens of Thousands of New Jobs

Albertans have faced historic challenges in 2020. A global health and economic crisis was made even worse when oil prices took a nosedive due to price wars and an unprecedented drop in demand. Compared to the rest of Canada, we have been leaders in our response in support for our job creators and workers. But […]