Cutting Red Tape. Promise Made. Promise Kept.

Under the NDP, Alberta consistently ranked at the bottom for red tape and regulatory burdens placed on businesses. For the second year in a row, Alberta has received a failing grade on red tape for our job-creators: It’s time to restore the Alberta Advantage! — Jason Kenney (@jkenney) January 23, 2018 […]
Promise Kept: Open for Business Act

The NDP strangled the economy with excessive regulation and red tape. We promised Albertans to bring hope and optimism back to the province and we kept our province with the Open for Business Act. Promise made. Promise kept. Can you help get our positive story out and strengthen our movement?
Fighting Ottawa’s Unconstitutional Carbon Tax

Twice in 2019, Alberta voters sent a loud and clear message: get rid of the carbon tax! Unlike the NDP, we follow the marching orders Albertans give us. That’s why we promised to fight the federal carbon tax and challenge it in the courts. The NDP and pro-carbon tax pundits in the media told it […]